Candidate Intention for Student Government

About Student Government

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a bilateral student group elected annually by Lehman College students. Members of SGA’s Executive Board plan and organize a comprehensive program of educational and co-curricular events that enrich the campus culture. Senators elected to the Student Legislative Assembly (SLA) review and vote on academic programs and policies in the Lehman College Senate. 

Students elected to positions in student government are expected to attend meetings scheduled on Wednesdays at 3:30 PM, during the college free-hour.

The Student Government is composed of 2 groups:

  • The Executive Board
    (13 officers)
    President, Executive Vice-President, Board Vice-President, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Campus Facilities Officer, Communications Officer, Community Activities Programmer, Events Coordinator, Financial Planner, Research Planner, Outreach Coordinator, Student Services Programmer, and Technology and Design Officer.

    Their responsibilities include creating programs and planning events for all Lehman students, representing the needs of the student body through various committees, and serving as a resource for clubs and organizations. The Executive Board manages a budget in excess of $200,000 to fund their initiatives.

    Some of the committees these members serve on include:
    - Lehman College Auxiliary Enterprise
    - Tech-Fee Committee
    - The Child Care Committee
    - Lehman College Association For Campus Activities

  • The Student Legislative Assembly
    (33 senators)

    Student senators represent one third of the seats at the Lehman College Senate, the governing body for the College. They are responsible for the formulation
    of academic policy and for legislative and advisory functions related to the programs, standards and goals of the College.

    Senators serve in the following committees:
    - Committee on Governance
    - Committee on Admissions, Evaluation and Academic Standards
    - Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
    - Committee on Graduate Studies
    - Committee on Academic Freedom
    - Library, Technology & Telecommunications Committee
    - Committee on Campus Life and Facilities
    - Budget and Long Range Planning Committee
    - Senate and FP&B Joint Budget Sub-Committee
    - Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee

Learn more about these positions and their responsibilities by reading the SGA's Constitution and Bylaws, as well as the Lehman College Senate Bylaws